For those who are wondering if I am still alive -yes. That 'cold' turned out to be bronchitis and then progressed to an eye infection as well, so I broke down and went to the doctor to get some 'bigger guns' and knock this thing out.
(What a tough girl I am, yes?)
So aside from necessary runs to the store, the only other outings for me have been my health hikes to keep the lungs clearing out. Here's a terribly glamorous snap of me in my 'Desert Rat' kit ready to kick some germs in the caboose.
Not exactly fashion magazine material, but this means war!
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
I hope you are all staying well - I'll be back again soon, I promise.
Hang in there!! and keep smiling :) P x
Thank you kind sir! I'm still smiling... Cx
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