Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Perfect Day To Be Sure...

Oh, glorious skies singing in my heart like a mandolin!

Bright golden light and mysterious dancing clouds, with the velvet black shadows on the canyon and the sharp bite of snow in the air, and the mist hanging on the mountains like a woman's hair falling softly on her shoulders...and the smell.

The smell of the desert after the rain - I wish you you were here.

It's sheer poetry, my Dears.

And it isn't over yet....


PADDY said...

Somewhere..over the rainbow...(what a lovely photo that is, among a batch of wonderful pictures). It's definitely tapped into the poet in you hasn't it. To think that 'so much' of that landscape has been untouched in 1000's of years. It really is so beautiful.

Roxy (aka Hamilton Honey) said...

I only wish I could really show in pictures how beautiful it is in person (it would be nice if I could actually write some poetry too)
I was fortunate to catch the rainbow - it changed so quickly. I'm glad you get the idea though!