Friday, February 19, 2010

Dear Ones, The World Is Waking To The Sunshine...

Hope you don't mind that I've taken some poetic license with my title - but these days the sun is coming out more often and it seems the whole world is responding with a blush of green!

Let me tell you it's very difficult to work inside right now when the air is so balmy and the blue peeks out. However, I've been having some very lovely walks lately and am pleasantly startled by the change in the landscape! Previously grey and somber paths are now velvety with grass and wee white flowers amongst the cactus...

The critters are much more active as well, and the air is filled with birdsong and the ground is alive with rabbits and squirrels - which delights Saki aka 'The Great Hunter' no end! I'll spare you pictures of the 'gift' he brought me the other other morning, but here he is on the job and happy as can be - not bad for 14 years old!

Particularly charming to my ears are the 'wheet! wheet' calls of the Gentleman Cardinal who is nesting near the house with his demure little mate - here is what they look like in Arizona, courtesy of the Sonoran Desert Museum (mine won't sit still long enough for my camera)

So with that, let me share this lovely song with you by the very charming Les Paul and Mary Ford - which I find myself humming rather frequently right now...

Align Center

And my heart is caaalling you!


PADDY said...

Isn't it amazing how nature works. Where once there seemed bareness, with a sprinkle of some water and warmth, life blossoms again into a canvas of colour. Thankyou for these lovely photos from your very own garden of Eden. :)

Roxy (aka Hamilton Honey) said...

It's so true! I am constantly amazed at the ever-changing details of life all around me...I'm glad I can share with you!